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  • To report a water or sewer emergency 24/7, please call 412-255-2423 (Press 1). To report a non-emergency issue, fill out this basic webform.
  • Information regarding the upsizing or downsizing of water meters, as well as a webform for requesting water meter size changes.
  • Fill out the Data Protection Release Form to access your account information or give authorization to a third party to view your account information.
  • Join the discussion about Four Mile Run and get the latest update about this stormwater project
  • Our regularly scheduled board meetings are open to the public and typically take place on the fourth Friday of the month.
  • How to apply for a refund if you have a credit on your account
  • All property owners who wish to sell a property with a billing account in our service areas must submit a final bill application before the the closing date.
  • This is a virtual event formatted as a facility tour of PWSA's newly-renovated Microfiltration Plant to engage the community for United for Infrastructure Week 2020.
  • 3 Rivers Wet Weather hosts this day-long conference to build upon our regional conversation about Pittsburgh.
  • The PWSA Developer's Manual is a guide to the policies and procedures for developments. We will be holding a webinar to talk about the changes and how that may impact our commercial customers.
  • Residents of Greystone Drive are invited to join this webinar and learn more about the upcoming water main replacement work.
  • Our focus in collecting this information is to ensure we can quickly reach you for water outages, upcoming projects, or billing issues.
  • Basic webform for residents and stakeholders to provide feedback about our projects.
  • The RFP seeks to engage a visionary project team to develop a global model that would serve as Pittsburgh’s blueprint to address local stormwater challenges.
  • Our regularly scheduled board meetings are open to the public and typically take place on the fourth Friday of the month.
  • Our regularly scheduled board meetings are open to the public and typically take place on the fourth Friday of the month.
  • Our regularly scheduled board meetings are open to the public and typically take place on the fourth Friday of the month.
  • Our regularly scheduled board meetings are open to the public and typically take place on the fourth Friday of the month.
  • Our regularly scheduled board meetings are open to the public and typically take place on the fourth Friday of the month.
  • Our regularly scheduled board meetings are open to the public and typically take place on the fourth Friday of the month.