Water Main Replacements
At the center of PWSA investment goals is water main replacement. This work upgrades the main components of our water system, providing more reliability to our customers and improving water quality when lead service lines are found. In June of 2020, we set out to replace 14 miles of water mains across our water distribution area, which is a $65 million investment in our water system. Nearly a mile of these water mains were located in the Highland Park neighborhood of District 7. With street restoration to be completed in the spring, this project upgraded aging water mains and replaced all lead service lines for residential customers free of cost.
PWSA also completed two smaller water main replacement projects in Highland Park – Greystone Drive and Bunkerhill Street - that were urgently needed due to frequent water main leaks on the pipe. These smaller efforts are important because they replace old water mains, which can frequently break and require emergency repairs.
In 2021, efforts to replace aging water mains will continue, with over six miles of water mains slated for replacement. Approximately 1.2 miles of the project will take place in Highland Park, on the border of Districts 7 and 9, near our 2020 project mentioned above.
Highland Park Reservoir Improvements
In Summer 2020, PWSA completed an important facility upgrade at our open reservoir in Highland Park. The main goal of the project was to improve the appearance, but more importantly, the security at the reservoir. Work included a new parapet wall around the reservoir, a newly paved walkway, and installation of 360-degree security cameras. Additionally, disinfection equipment was also installed in our Membrane Filtration Plant, next to the reservoir.
Sewer Rehabilitation Projects
By tracking the occurrence of sinkholes and televised footage of our sewers, PWSA takes a proactive approach to sewer work. We are focusing a majority of our approximately $189 million capital plan over the next four years to proactive sewer work. This involves sewer rehab, that repairs small cracks and debris without a trench, and sewer relocation from risky locations like under railroad tracks or on steep hillsides.
In 2021, PWSA plans to complete sewer rehab in the Highland Park neighborhood, in the same areas as planned water main replacements. This work will largely be completed by accessing the sewer via manholes, minimizing disruption to our customers.
Learn more at our PWSA Project Overview webpage.