Meet Kumar Navile, Environmental Compliance Program Manager for PWSA. In this role, Kumar is responsible for oversight of the Environmental Compliance department and management of that group’s day-to-day operations.
Why do you like working for PWSA? I’m passionate about every aspect related to safeguarding our pristine environment and source water, the Allegheny River. Water is a vital resource and at PWSA, we’re involved with producing clean, safe, reliable, and cost-effective drinking water for everyone. How cool is it being able to serve my community that way!
How does your role contribute to the delivery of safe, clean drinking water for our communities? From my base at our Water Treatment Plant, I get an in-depth look at what it takes to produce and deliver safe, high-quality drinking water to our communities. Environmental Compliance works closely with our Operations, Engineering, Safety, and Water Quality teams in making sure our water production and treatment processes comply with state and federal regulations. We aim to be a model in the community.
What sort of impact do you hope to have in our communities? The importance cannot be understated. What we do here at PWSA has a direct impact on how our communities feel about the quality of their drinking water. We’re inclusive of everyone in what we do for the community.
Any advice to share? I’m a huge believer in continuous improvement. So, my advice is: Not just at work but in general, think about what you can do to improve every day. Life isn’t perfect by any means, but if each of us can adopt the mindset of leaving things better than we found them, humanity can greatly benefit.
What’s something you’re planning on doing in the next year that you’ve never done? I’m passionate about sustainable travel. I never get bored exploring a new place with my family.
What’s a weird fact you know? The human brain shrinks as you age.