Community Update: Infrastructure Improvements in Four Mile Run

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2021
6:30 - 8:00 PM

A series of water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure improvement projects will soon be constructed in Four Mile Run within the Run neighborhood and M-29 sewershed along the Monongahela River. On Tuesday, March 30th, the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority will host a community meeting to provide an update about each project and anticipated construction schedules. 

Please join us to learn about the infrastructure upgrades coming to the Run and Junction Hollow neighborhoods. These improvements will upgrade aging infrastructure, improve service reliability, and provide needed flood relief. 

  1. Sewer Outfall Rehabilitation to the Monongahela River: This project will start the flooding relief needed in Four Mile Run and rehabilitate the century old culvert that currently serves the Run, Schenley Park and other neighborhoods within the M29 watershed.  
  2. Junction Hollow Water Main Replacement: The Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority is replacing an existing 50-inch water main originally constructed in 1907. It has served a large portion of the City of Pittsburgh well, but after 100+ years, it is at the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced in conjunction with other infrastructure improvements in Four Mile Run. This project will improve reliability of drinking water and mitigate future construction impacts.
  3. Four Mile Run Stormwater Improvements: PWSA will provide an update on the final design, permitting, and construction schedule of the Four Mile Run stormwater improvement project. 

Register Online or Join by Phone

The meeting will be held online using Zoom. Click the link below to register for the meeting or join by phone.

Phone Number:  646-558-8656

Meeting Id: 815 0962 3254

If you have questions, please email Rebecca Zito, Senior Manager of Public Affairs at or visit

Historic photo Four Mile Run Trunk Relief Sewer circa 1935

Location Details