The Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority has invested nearly $7 million in water, sewer, and stormwater improvements this year and we are hard at work implementing an aggressive capital program to strengthen and improve the reliability of our critical water infrastructure and network of water and sewer pipes.
During the first two months of the year, we have invested $2,460,532 in the small diameter water main replacement program. The strategic replacement of water mains will improve system reliability as well as improve water pressure, maintain water quality, and minimize service interruptions.
We are working towards our goal of replacing 10.1 miles of water main in 2021. This proactive program focuses on replacing aging water mains, will prioritize areas where there is a history of frequent water main breaks, and provide a more cost-efficient way to continue to remove lead service lines.
The small diameter water main replacement program is an annual program within our 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Program. These improvements to our water distribution system will increase service reliability to customers and provides consistent investment in Pittsburgh’s neighborhoods.