The Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) has invested over $28 million in our Capital Improvement Projects program through April. PWSA is committed to investing in rehabilitating water distribution and wastewater systems by proactively identifying areas for improvement by assigning funding to areas in need. Through several programs, including the Small Diameter Pipes, Large Diameter Pipes, and the Sewers Under Structures programs, PWSA aims to replace or rehabilitate miles of sewer piping with previous issues or the possibility of future failure which would impact our customers.
By prioritizing the rehabilitation of aging and damaged sewers, PWSA strives to provide a better and more complete service to our customers. Our combined sewers transport stormwater and wastewater efficiently through our network to be treated and discharged accordingly. Any lapses or impediments in our network can cause significant issues with our service; therefore, PWSA prioritizes the implementation of capital programs to address improving our infrastructure.
Through our Capital Improvement Plan, PWSA will complete several neighborhood sewers projects, including the 31st Ward Sewer Reconstruction Project, which will line approximately 5 miles of aging sewers, repair broken sewers, relocate storm drains, and separate combined storm and sanitary sewers where needed. Additional projects include continuing to rehabilitate pipes scattered throughout our service area that address site-specific needs. Ongoing Small Diameter Pipe Rehabilitation projects include relining and repairing pipes in the Overbrook neighborhood.
By continually updating and improving our sewer infrastructure, we ensure the safety and reliability of our systems. Through the Capital Improvement Program, it is our goal to enhance our service by rehabilitating aging sewers. The Capital Improvement Projects graphic below shows a financial breakdown through 2021.