Spring has sprung!
In honor of the beginning of spring, Arbor Day (April 26), and Earth Day (April 27), PWSA employees and their families are partnering with Allegheny Cleanways on April 27 for a morning of spring cleaning and giving back to our neighbors and the community in East Liberty and Larimer.
Volunteers and attendees will begin the day by powering up with breakfast and coffee while perusing educational information from PWSA, Penn State, and Allegheny Cleanways.
Together with Allegheny Cleanways, our partners at Penn State Master Watershed Stewards, community members, and our colleagues and their family and friends, we'll spend the remainder of the morning hours cleaning litter from the streets and sidewalks and clearing off storm drains in the neighborhood.
We'd like to give a big thank you to all of the partners, coworkers, and community members who help us make these sorts of community volunteering events possible!