PWSA is pleased to announce we were recently awarded a more than $59 million low-interest loan from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) to put towards our 2023 – 2025 Small and Large Sewer Rehabilitation programs.
Sewers are often out of sight and mind, yet they serve the absolutely essential function of moving sewage from homes and businesses to our regional wastewater treatment plant along the Ohio River. Some of our sewers are more than a century old and, due to age and condition, are in need of repair.
This round of PENNVEST funding will evaluate and rehabilitate approximately 56 miles of aging sewer mains – ranging in size from 8-inches to 120-inches in diameter. The first neighborhoods slated for this sewer rehabilitation work include the West End, Knoxville, Westwood, and Summer Hill.
This proactive work minimizes the need for the costly and disruptive replacement of sewer lines, often buried deep beneath the street. With technological advancements and improved construction techniques, we can more effectively rehabilitate sewer lines by either repairing the pipe or installing a liner to its interior. Once cured, the liner will secure cracks and prevent leaks for many years.
Since 2018, PWSA has received from PENNVEST a combination of $610,822,731 in low interest loans and $35,673,742 in grants, totaling $646,496,473. Over time, funding from state and federal partners keeps rates as low as possible during an unprecedented level of investment in our essential water systems.
As a publicly owned and operated water utility, every dollar we receive is reinvested back into the water systems that serve those living and working in Pittsburgh.
To learn more about the Authority’s finances, visit our Finance website.