This summer, Pittsburgh came alive with vibrant community engagement and fun thanks to Mayor Ed Gainey’s inaugural City in the Streets initiative. This series of events, held at six neighborhoods across Pittsburgh, connected local government and municipal authorities – like PWSA – to the people they serve.
This in-person engagement with individual residents and our community is invaluable, giving us a chance to better understand the needs of those we serve, identify ways to further improve our outreach and education efforts, and connect with like-minded organizations to spot collaboration opportunities.
PWSA was thrilled to participate in these exciting events, which gave us an additional opportunity to provide our customers with important information around drinking water quality and our suite of Customer Assistance Programs. We also had some fun, leading educational stormwater demonstrations and activities for all the curious, young (or young-at-heart!) scientists.
We’re grateful for the chance to connect with our community on a deeper level to create a stronger, more vibrant Pittsburgh for all!