A lot of water can be wasted when caring for a lawn or garden. Reducing water waste can help lower your water bill, protect the environment, and save limited water resources for future generations.
You can use our online water usage portal to track your household’s real-time usage and sign up to receive alerts when there is a spike in water use. Detecting and repairing leaking hoses, irrigation systems, and spigots can help you save a lot of water and money.
Taking the following actions can also help you reduce water waste and save money:
- Water your plants in the morning or early evening to reduce water lost to evaporation
- Use an automatic shut-off nozzle for your gardening hose to control the flow
- Set sprinklers to water the lawn or garden only –not the street or sidewalk
- Install a rain barrel to catch rainwater from your roof then repurpose it to water your plants
Learn more at pgh2o.com/WaterConservation.