Since many people visit our website to pay a bill or check their water usage, we highlighted the links to those tasks. The green icon buttons lead users to additional page topics and menus for ease of access to commonly requested information.
Easy Online Webforms Available
The addition of online webforms now allow customers to fill out the required fields on a computer or mobile device and submit with the click of a button! The submitted form is automatically sent to the appropriate PWSA department for action, and the customer receives an automated confirmation email from The Report a Non-Emergency Issue form (pictured left) is an example of a commonly used form. It is accessible through the blue and white “Report an Issue” button on the top of every page.
Other webforms include Application for Refund or Final Bill, Meter Sizing, and Request to Speak at a Board Meeting.
We hope these new features create a smoother and more successful user experience for our customers, as well as providing better access to important information.